The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, author of Hyperion, Kavanagh, Outre mer etc. Complete edition. With illustrations by John Gelbert etc. книга

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"The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow" is a collection of poems by the renowned American poet who is known for his romantic style and his ability to capture the beauty of nature and the human condition in his writing. The book contains some of Longfellow's most famous poems, including "The Song of Hiawatha," "Paul Revere's Ride," "The Wreck of the Hesperus," and "Evangeline." Longfellow's poetry is characterized by his use of vivid imagery, his ability to create powerful narratives, and his skill at conveying complex emotions through language. His themes center around love, nature, history, and spirituality. In this collection, readers can explore the depth and breadth of Longfellow's poetic vision and experience the beauty of his writing. The book is an excellent resource for students of literature, fans of poetry, or anyone who appreciates the art of language and storytelling. It offers insight into Longfellow's life, his influences, and his enduring legacy as one of America's most beloved poets.
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