The Hound of the Baskervilles. Another adventure of Sherlock Holmes by A. Conan Doyle книга

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"The Hound of the Baskervilles" is a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring one of the most famous fictional detectives, Sherlock Holmes, and his trusty sidekick, Dr. Watson. The story is set in the eerie moorlands of Devonshire, England and involves the legend of a family curse and a fearsome spectral hound that terrorizes the Baskerville family. The novel begins with the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, whose face shows a look of horror and fear after being chased by a mysterious hound. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called upon by Sir Charles' heir, Sir Henry Baskerville, to help uncover the truth behind his family's curse and the strange happenings on the moor. As they delve deeper into the case, Holmes and Watson are faced with a complex web of deceit, betrayal, and murder. With the help of their wit and deduction skills, the dynamic duo must race against time to solve the mystery and prevent Sir Henry from meeting the same fate as his unfortunate predecessor. "The Hound of the Baskervilles" was first published in 1902 and quickly became one of Conan Doyle's most famous works. It is widely regarded as a classic of crime fiction and has been adapted into various films, television shows, and stage productions.
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