The Door in the Wall and other Stories книга

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"The Door in the Wall and other Stories" is a collection of short stories written by H.G. Wells. The book was first published in 1911 and explores a variety of themes, including science fiction, fantasy, and social criticism.

The title story, "The Door in the Wall", revolves around a man named Lionel Wallace who discovers a mysterious green door in a wall. As he enters the door, the story unfolds with elements of time travel and parallel realities. It explores the concept of escaping into a different world, raising questions about the nature of reality and the choices we make.

Other stories in the collection include "The Star", where a massive celestial body approaches Earth, causing mass panic and societal upheaval. In "A Dream of Armageddon", Wells introduces a post-apocalyptic world where two rival factions engage in a destructive war. "The Cone" tells the story of a woman who commits murder to protect a secret, while "The Country of the Blind" presents a civilization where everyone is blind but has developed advanced perceptual abilities.

With his unique blend of science fiction and social commentary, H.G. Wells delves into the human condition and many of the societal issues of his time. "The Door in the Wall and other Stories" provides readers with a thought-provoking and imaginative exploration of the possibilities of the unknown.
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