The Constitution of India / Конституция Индии

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"The Constitution of India / Конституция Индии" is a comprehensive book that provides a detailed and authoritative account of the Constitution of India, which is the supreme law of the country. Written by renowned scholars and experts in Indian constitutional law, the book explores various aspects of the Constitution, including its historical background, drafting process, and key features.

The book begins with an introduction to the Constitution, providing an overview of its significance and the principles that underlie it. It then delves into the historical context in which the Constitution was framed, discussing important events and debates that shaped its development. The authors also analyze the Constitution's relationship with the colonial era and its impact on the trajectory of Indian democracy.

Next, the book examines the structure and components of the Constitution, including its preamble, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, and the system of government. It explores the different organs of the state, such as the executive, legislature, and judiciary, and their roles and functions within the constitutional framework.

The book also covers important topics like federalism, emergency provisions, and constitutional amendments, providing a comprehensive understanding of how the Constitution functions in practice. It explores the balance of power between the central and state governments, the limitations on fundamental rights during emergencies, and the procedures for amending the Constitution.

Throughout the book, the authors provide critical analysis and insights into the interpretations and applications of the Constitution by the judiciary, offering readers a deeper understanding of the evolution of Indian constitutional law. They also highlight landmark Supreme Court judgments that have shaped the interpretation of various constitutional provisions.

"The Constitution of India / Конституция Индии" is an essential resource for students, scholars, and practitioners of constitutional law, as well as anyone interested in gaining a thorough understanding of the Indian Constitution. The book combines scholarly expertise with accessible language, making it an invaluable reference for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of constitutional law in India.
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