Иллюстрированный вестник. 11-й год (1883). Издание А. Баумана

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"Illustrated Gazette", 11th Year (1883), published by A. Baumann is a collection of articles, illustrations, and advertisements that provide an interesting glimpse into life in the late 19th century. The publication covers a wide range of topics, including politics, science, literature, art, and fashion. The articles cover major events of the time, including the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge and the assassination of President Garfield. There are also pieces on notable figures such as Mark Twain and Charles Darwin. The illustrations are a highlight of the publication, providing a visual representation of the time period. They include images of cities, landscapes, and people, as well as artistic illustrations and cartoons. The advertisements in the publication offer a unique window into the consumer culture of the time, with promotions for products such as soap, clothing, and household goods. Overall, "Illustrated Gazette", 11th Year (1883), published by A. Baumann is a fascinating historical document that provides a wealth of information about life in the late 19th century.
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