Rienzi. The last of the Roman tribunes книга

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"Rienzi. The last of the Roman tribunes" is a historical novel written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton and published in 1835. The story takes place in 14th century Rome and is loosely based on the life of Cola di Rienzo, a real historical figure who was a populist revolutionary and briefly ruled as the tribune of Rome.

The novel follows the rise and fall of Rienzi, a young nobleman who becomes inspired by the ancient Roman republic and seeks to restore the glory of Rome. Rienzi is depicted as a charismatic leader who gains the support of the Roman people by promising to free them from the corruption, oppression, and foreign influence that plague their city.

As Rienzi gains power and establishes himself as the tribune, he initiates a series of reforms and strives to create a just government. However, his idealism soon exposes him to the complexities of politics and the hostility of the ruling elite. Rienzi's downfall begins when his aspirations for power and his growing dictatorial tendencies lead to a loss of popular support.

The novel portrays the turbulent political landscape of 14th century Rome, with its factions, conspiracies, and power struggles, as well as the social and economic challenges faced by the lower classes. It explores themes of idealism, ambition, the nature of political power, and the fallibility of human nature.

"Rienzi. The last of the Roman tribunes" is considered one of Bulwer-Lytton's most successful and influential works. It captures the historical atmosphere of Renaissance Rome and offers a vivid portrayal of a complex and flawed protagonist. The novel's themes and depiction of political and social unrest resonate with the 19th-century readers and continue to be appreciated by historical fiction enthusiasts today.
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