Рембрандт "Бегство в Египет". Офорт, оттиск XVIII века с подлинной пластины. Западная Европа, середина XVIII века

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The book "Rembrandt's 'The Flight into Egypt'" is a detailed description and analysis of an etching created by the renowned Dutch artist Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. The etching, titled "The Flight into Egypt", was made in the 17th century and this book features an authentic print from the original copperplate from the 18th century.

The book primarily focuses on the etching itself, examining its composition, technique, and artistic significance. It delves into the subject matter of the artwork, which depicts the biblical story of Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod's order to kill all infants. The author explores Rembrandt's interpretation of this narrative and how he imbued it with his distinctive style and emotional depth.

In addition to analyzing the artwork, the book also provides historical context and background information on the etching. It discusses Rembrandt's career and his role in the art world of the Dutch Golden Age. It also explores the popularity and influence of etchings during that time, shedding light on the significance of this particular art form in Rembrandt's oeuvre.

Furthermore, the book showcases the rarity and uniqueness of this specific etching by highlighting its provenance and the fact that it features an authentic print from the original copperplate. This adds to the value and importance of the book for art collectors, historians, and enthusiasts.

Overall, "Rembrandt's 'The Flight into Egypt'" offers a comprehensive exploration of this significant etching by one of the greatest painters in Western art history. It combines art historical analysis, contextual information, and the rare presence of an original print to provide a comprehensive and engaging study of Rembrandt's masterpiece.
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