Memoires sur les choses advenues en France depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jusquа la Paix faite avec les Reformez au mois de Juin 1629

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"Memoires sur les choses advenues en France depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jusqu'à la Paix faite avec l'Angleterre" (Mémoires on the events that occurred in France from the death of Henry the Great (Henry IV) until the Peace made with England) is a historical book written by François de Bassompierre.

The book provides a detailed account of the political and social events that took place in France during the period from the assassination of King Henry IV in 1610 to the peace treaty signed between France and England in 1629.

As a firsthand witness to the events, Bassompierre, a French military officer and diplomat, offers valuable insights into the court intrigues, power struggles, and foreign relations that shaped this tumultuous era in French history.

In his memoirs, Bassompierre discusses the regency of Marie de' Medici, the power struggle between her and her son Louis XIII, and the political influence of Cardinal Richelieu, who eventually became the chief minister of France. He also delves into the religious tensions between the Catholic and Protestant factions, as well as France's ongoing conflicts with neighboring countries, particularly England.

The book provides a vivid portrayal of the splendor and decadence of the French court, along with its internal divisions and external threats. Bassompierre's personal experiences and observations offer readers a unique perspective on the events and personalities involved.

"Memoires sur les choses advenues en France depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jusqu'à la Paix faite avec l'Angleterre" is an important historical source, providing valuable insights into the political and social dynamics of early 17th-century France.
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